Saturday, October 25, 2008

Please visit my new page!

Hi! Please click here or title to go to my updated page:

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Power of Friendship~Health Benefits

"There are not many things in life so beautiful as true friendship, and not many things more uncommon."

Recent studies revealed that Americans have 1/3 less friends today than they did twenty years ago. Although technology is helping us to work faster and more efficiently, it is also keeping people from having the personal touch that they once experienced. One could argue that technology has allowed connections that otherwise wouldn't exist for example, emails and recent social network boom in recent years-Myspace, Facebook, Skype, and even text more

Saturday, January 5, 2008

A New Beginning: Passion, Promises & Purpose

"What appears to be the end may really be a new beginning" (unknown). Isaiah 43:18-19 encourages us with this passage, "Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder on things of the past. Behold, I will do something new...I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert." God is telling us that no matter what has happened in the past do not meditate on those things. He is ready to do something new in your life. When there seems to be no road in the wilderness or rivers in the desert, He will create one for you. When things look hopeless, God will give you hope. When a door shuts, He will open a new door for you that no man can close! " Read article

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Beauty Secrets Spirit Soul & Body Website LIVE on the Internet

At last Beauty Secrets Health & Wellness website for women is now live on the internet. The website contains rich valuable resources for the spirit, soul and body. With an emphasis on natural health and prevention, Beauty Secret's mission is to empower women to achieve optimal health in every area of their life! Please visit the website at

September Featured Articles:
Interview with Nicki Rubin, wife of New Time's Best Seller-The Maker's Diet, Jordan Rubin (natural health expert)
Beautifully Created by Duong Sheahan (Founder of Beauty Secrets Spirit Soul & Body)
The Skinny on Fat by Jordan Rubin- Author of Maker's Diet
Healthy Recipe: Baked Halibut & Asian Ginger Sauce with Spinach
Beauty Tips and more...


Articles are updated weekly!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Carpe Diem ~ Seize the Day!

The other day I was going through my children’s bedrooms doing the usual check, making sure it was tidy per my instructions. My daughter's room was the last stop and as I swept through it, I noticed what appeared to be a piece of paper that looked like trash, ripped from a journal. I typically would leave it for her to pick up; but on this day, I just wanted the garbage off from the floor. Just as I was about to throw it away; I couldn't resist, and yes, I read it! The little piece from her journal touched my heart. It made me stop to reflect on my own life, and how I am spending each and every day. I thought, how profound coming from the heart of a fourteen year old. Later that day, I confessed and told her that I found a piece from her journal that was on its way into the garbage, but I decided to read it. Of course, immediately her response was, “Mother, you didn’t!” No, I wouldn't read her journal on any occassion; however, this was garbage. Well, that was how I justified it. I shared with her how much she ministered to me through her writing and encouraged her that those words made me really think about how I should remember to cherish each and every day that I have and to not take life for granted. After our conversation and with her permission, she has allowed me to publish this piece from her journal. I hope that all who read it will be as moved as I was to really take a moment to reflect on each and every day that has been given to us. As you read this, remember, choose to walk in love. Let go of pettiness that keeps precious relationships distant, forgive those who offended you, smile more, let the law of kindness be on your is too short! Enjoy each and everyday that you have. It truly is a gift. Live your life with no regrets.

From the journal to the garbage, my daughter writes:

Carpe Diem ~ Seize the Day!

There comes a time and moment in our lives when we must say good-bye to a person we love dearly, that is a part of us; a piece of our hearts. When that time draws near, we wish time could just freeze. We wish fate would take back any mistakes made, mend any hearts broken, or wrong decisions made.

Time does not freeze, it continually moves. It stops for no one. As time moves forward, our lives move forward. Unlike time, there comes a point when our lives come to an end; therefore, it is imperative that we take the time in our life and live according to the Latin phrase, “carpe diem”-Seize the Day! Abraham Lincoln once said, “It’s not the years in your life that counts, but it’s the life in your years!” Live each day knowing that it will never come back to you.

Out of the mouth of babes! Who said, "kids should only be seen and not heard!"

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Does Milk Really Do the Body Good?

Have you noticed that just about every magazine publication in America reserves an entire page featuring celebrities donning a white mustache portraying the infamous ad that proclaims, “Milk does the body good?" Contrary to what the star-studded ads declare, my suspicion of milk related health issues led me to question, “Does milk really do the body good?” My curiosity on this subject eventually became a research paper for a college courses.. Studies confirmed that milk is in fact related to several health issues ranging from allergies, digestive disorders, ear infections in children to the most extreme health concern-cancer. For this particular research paper, I focused my research on the link between milk and cancer. A recent study from the Medical school at Harvard showed that a growth producing hormone called IGF-1 has been shown to increase normal and cancerous cells in the breast and colon. Cows that receive shots of the growth hormone rBGH or also known as rBST (recombinant bovine growth hormone) are shown to have high levels of the IGF-1 in the milk. Dr. Samuel Epstein, a scientist reveals in his article in the International Journal of Health Sciences the dangers of IGF-1 hormones in the milk from cows given synthetic bovine growth hormone. He claims that IGF-1 used in milk production of cows could be a possible cause for breast and gastrointestinal cancers. Experimentations in rats have proved this to be a fact and moreover, the hormone has been shown to speed up the production of the breast cancer cells. This alone should stir up concerns in women young and old. Milk has been a household staple for decades, and to be challenged health wise is mind boggling to many. What is interesting is that other countries such as; Australia, New Zealand and Japan have prohibited the use of this hormone while the United States continues to sell milk and dairy products with questionable health risks to the public. The most fascinating finding research revealed that consultants who were funded by the manufacturer of this hormone claimed that it is absolutely safe for humans to ingest, even though research showed otherwise. The FDA tried to prevent the labeling on the milk treated with rBGH, thus keeping the public from making decisions based on what is best for them. You can now find dairy and milk products with out hormones. It will usually have a seal on the carton that says, “Milk from cows not treated with rBST.” This can be found primarily in health food stores. Even though the FDA may give their seal of approval on something that is safe for our consumption, we have the right to request accurately labeling anything that could potentially be life threatening to be disclosed on the packaging. Having researched on milk and asking whether or not milk does the body good? According to these studies, there should be enough of a concern for those who consume conventional, to perhaps consider an alternative. Did you know that we are the only mammals that continue to drink milk after being weaned from infancy; but that is another article for another time. Organic milk does not contain these hormones. What is difference between regular and Organic milk? Organic milk is from cows that are not treated with any hormones or antibiotics. They are grass-fed, and graze in the field. Organic milk sales have increased about 20 percent a year for the last decade, driven primarily by consumer demand for hormone-free milk. Sales will continue to increase as more and more consumers are made aware of the potential health risks. The public must be informed of this type of labeling on packages so that they may have the opportunity to make a decision whether or not to purchase organic or conventional milk. We often hear the phrase, “You are what you eat”, however, having read these findings and others alike, it might be more appropriate to rephrase it, “You are what the animal eats!” Organic milk costs a little bit more, perhaps having this knowledge, you might want to pay the farmer a little more now then the doctor a whole lot more later!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Choosing Naturopathy

What is naturopathy? This is a question most people ask me when I tell them that I am pursuing an education in Naturopathy or in short Natural Health. Surprisingly, so many people do not know what naturopathy is or if they heard of it, they think it's some strange phenomenon. The truth is, it is an up and coming trend, or practice in the health care industry, and some believe that there is a paradigm shift in the making.

"A naturopathic doctor is trained in conventional medical disciplines as well as in alternative approaches. They integrate this knowledge according to the principles that recognize the body's inherent ability to heal itself, the importance of prevention, and the possibility of therapeutic use of nutrition to promote health and fight disease."
Naturopathic Principles:

1) The healing power of nature
2) Treat the cause or the root of the illness
3) First do no harm
4) Doctor as Teacher
5) Treat the whole person.


'The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.'
—Thomas Edison

My fascination with naturopathy or many refer to it as alternative or natural health began when my youngest son was three years old and developed asthma. With a history of asthma in my family; 4 out of 7 family members have this illness (father and siblings). I was determined to do what ever necessary to improve my son's quality of life and to at least research other alternatives before deciding that conventional medicine be the final treatment.

After his first episode of wheezing and severe asthma attack, we rushed him to the ER, he received several nebulizer treatments, steroids, sent home with antibiotics, and recommendations for ongoing prescriptions that could help to control the illness, etc. Over the next couple of years, there were more trips to the ER. I remember one particular trip was when we went on a family vacation and not more then a day later, rushed to the nearest emergency room. If you are a parent, you can only imagine what that is like. In my heart I felt that there was another option to inhalers, nebulizers, and steroids. I didn't want to see my son dependent on drugs and prescriptions for the rest of his life if there indeed was another option. Seeing what my family members have gone through majority of their life dependent on prescriptions, I was more then ever on a mission to seek an alternative. The drugs that he was on, caused several side effects, he appeared constantly lethargic, his heart would race so fast, from the treatments that he needed back to back. Did they help? Of course over time, but did he really have to go throught the rest of his life dealing with asthma and these negative side effects in an effort to feel better? We believe God's promises for health and healing. I knew He had a plan him, for good and not for evil, to give him a future and a hope. Perhaps I was lacking knowledge in this area and it was time I tapped into other resources that we hadn't yet discovered.

We didn't get rid of his inhalers, or treatments, but while he was on these medications, I began to research 'asthma' cure naturally. I came across a wealth of information on prevention, how to treat the cause of the illness, and discovered various things that triggered the symptoms that were right within the four walls of our home; and to deal with the root of the illness as appose to just mask it with medication. At this time, we didn’t know anyone who was familiar with naturopathic health, nor did we know of any naturopathic doctors in the area; but we were eager to learn how to treat the cause of the illness in hopes of preventing asthma from triggering.

I am thankful for medical intervention and if it weren't for some of the treatments, a few of these asthma attacks may have been fatal. I am not against conventional medicine, as those are options, and have saved may lives despite the negative side effects of some. For us, we didn't feel in our heart that this was the path that we wanted for our son, thus I continued researching, and began implementing many discoveries; simple things, like diet change, literrally emptying out our pantry, watching certain ingredients found in many of the foods that we were feeding him, as well as implement various preventative strategies like supplements that boost his immune system so that his lungs were strong enough to resist the symptoms. Over weeks, months, years the symptoms were few and fewer, and the use of the nebulizer became less and less. It has been nearly 5 years since he has had an asthma attack or a trip to the "ER".

During this time, I also began researching other areas of healing for symptoms that I or other family members were experiencing, and again, found natural alternative health options that offered great solutions without the use of invasive drugs or prescriptions. Things that were right in my kitchen to heal a common cold, or the kid's pink eye.

My passion began to increase towards naturopathic health, as a result of this experience, hence a year and half ago, I returned to college to study natural health and nutrition. I always follow the naturopathy's 5 principles above first. I also believe that natural health and conventional health is being integrated more today and even more so in the future as well as be widely accepted. I am excited about the new research and discoveries that are finally being revealed on behalf of the Naturopathic health industry and more people are learning about this practice, and not seeing it as such a strange phenomenon, but an alternative worth seeking.

I believe in using wisdom and whatever health choices people make, that they must have a peace in their heart and feel confident in their decisions. For us, we were confident with our choice to follow the natural route. Through much research and faith in God we have overcome this horrible illness that afflicts so many people today and interrupts the quaility of life that God wants us to enjoy!

This blog is not intended in anyway encouraging anyone to change treatments, but is only an expression of personal research, interest, and experience. Please consult with your own physician.